Monday, November 22, 2010

Holy Silence

Hagia Heyschia

Thank-you, Gail Wiggin, for the following contributions.  I pass these on here in the interest of widening the network of information available to seekers:

When one comes into contact with a teaching that comes from a particular psychological [spiritual] place, that has been reached by others who have laboured in the past, then if the teaching is valued and followed it leads to that place where, on the way, one begins to get help. Another reality and another meaning begin to show through what one has hitherto taken to be the only reality and meaning. Every form of inner teaching is a way to a place. For example, Christ calls himself a Way. Only when it is followed to the end can a person be transformed into a Christian. Yet people begin by imagining they are Christians. -- from the Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky by Maurice Nicoll, p. 997

The mind, which we call in religious language the Almighty, and in mystical terms the divine mind, is the depth of life, the depth of activity, with which all activity and every activity is connected. Therein lies the whole of religion. The mystic's prayer is to that beauty, and his work is to forget the self, to lose himself like a bubble in the water. The wave realizes, “I am the sea,” and by falling into the sea prostrates itself before its God. As it is said, “Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”-- Hazrat Inayat Khan


Wisdom School with Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault and Father Richard Rohr, Ghost Ranch, Albuquerque, New Mexico

May 1-5, 2011
There are still a few openings so

miss this opportunityApply now

If Christianity is to emerge as the path of mystical illumination and compassionate action that it truly can be, it will be through the courageous commitment of those willing to follow the call to the next level of conscious evolution. This Wisdom School brings together Cynthia Bourgeault and Richard Rohr (who will join us for the first 2 two days), both gifted teachers in the ancient wisdom ways of contemplative prayer, particularly as it supports the emergence of non-dualistic thinking and action. We will work with the core Christian practices of contemplative prayer and lectio divina, but add to them the specific wisdom methods of self-observation, conscious work, and sacred gesture, in order to facilitate the opening of what is classically known as “the third eye,” or non-dual perception. The goal is not only to deepen our personal spiritual lives, but to raise human consciousness, leading to the ultimate transformation of society.

Rabbi Rami Shapiro on Wisdom in the World’s Religions, Wisdom House, Litchfield, CT 

March 11-13, 2011 Lady Wisdom has taken on many faces in many cultures throughout history. In this exploration of wisdom spiritualities, we will meet many of Her forms and study many of her teachings. Rooted in the texts and teachings of many faiths, this workshop will challenge you to step beyond religious ideologies to hear the words of Lady Wisdom in your way for your own life.Cost: $190 shared room, $230 private room    
For more information:
register here:

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